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Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Clean-up in aisle 4"

Ok, it's happened.  I'm officially over-whelmed.  I thought I was doing so well.
I was at Central Market trying to find some bread that my son would actually eat when it hit me - this is HUGE.  The kind "Foodie" was helping me find the bread, and gave me a shopping guide for GF products.  I lost it.  I teared up and told her "We are a new diagnosis.  I'm over my head here" and cried.  Only for a few seconds, but I finally let it out.  To the Foodie lady.  Nice.

I guess I'm going to have to triple our grocery budget.  I can't believe a HALF of a loaf of bread is $5.99. Wow..

On the upside for this post:


Now I'm off to search for more GF resources - and blogs.  Happy Halloween y'all!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A New Journey Begins

So, I thought I was done blogging.  Well, not yet.  I decided to share our story of how we became Gluten Free. 
It all started a few months ago, when I just couldn't stand the quality of my son's voice.   He would wake up with a raspy, almost nothing voice.  Being a speech therapist, I just couldn't stand it.  I put him on a home program, took him to the doctors, and did everything I could think of.  Except suspect that he had reflux.  That came as some advice from another speech therapist friend of mine. 

So, we went to the GI doctor.  He agreed - probably reflux.  Let's do a scope and ph probe to find out.  Well, I nixed the ph probe but agreed to the scope. 

Last Monday, our son was scoped.  All was "normal" except for a little bit of thickening in one area.  Dr. said he's not concerned - doesn't think it will turn out to be anything but takes a biopsy anyway.  I leave thinking, "ok.  Good news".  Not so fast.

Wednesday comes and I receive a message from the GI nurse about biopsy results.  She says without skipping a beat, "the biopsy results are consistent with Celiac Disease".  "What? There are no symptoms?!" "There don't always have to be.  I will send your information to our dietician. "  And so it began.  My mind reeling - and slowly remembering the days our son complained of stomach pain - and how my husband and I chalked it up to gas pains.  The internet search that revealed lots of scopes going in thinking reflux and coming out with Celiac disease.  Wow.

The meeting with the dietician went ok - she gave us reams and reams of paper and some information, but mostly stuff we have to look up on our own.  I immediately went to the specialty grocery store near us and stocked up on just about everything that said "Gluten Free".  And now, here I am.  Sharing with you because I know there are several more of you out there in the same boat.  

I was upset at first - but now, I'm relieved.  And hopeful - that this new lifestyle is going to make us healthier and happier. 

And the Texas Ranger's won tonight's game.  WOOOHOOO!!!