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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March of Dimes

I've been walking for the March of Dimes with my team from work for the past 5 years, I think.  Last year I raised some money, but couldn't join my team for the walk.  I missed it.  So, I'm back.  In years past, my friends and family have been awesome about supporting me in this endeavor.  Most of you know that I have had 2 losses of premature babies - both had chromosomal problems and just weren't made to survive outside of the womb.  But - if they had, I have no doubt that the March of Dimes and their work would have benefitted my girls in a major way.  So, in their memory, I walk.  And I walk for all the other babies that have blessed my life - as patients, friends,  godchildren, or as family.  I can't even begin to count the number of babies and children that I have had the honor to work with that were once premies.  It is so very amazing to see them grow and thrive.  Seriously, such an honor to be a part of their lives - if even for a short time.

So please consider supporting this wonderful cause and in a round-about-way, helping me continue to help premies with their speech, language, and feeding. 

I truly LOVE what I do. 

Here's the site to donate:

Love and hugs,

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