Ok, so I said I was going to be Gluten free with my kiddo, right??? Well..I've fallen way off the wagon while I'm at work and when he's gone to sleep. Pitiful. And guess what happened??? I gained back the 8 pounds I lost when I went gluten-free, became hungry ALL THE TIME, and lost my energy. That'll teach me, right?! Yes, Right!
I feel like a blobby, slobby mess. I'm almost to the next clothing size. Wow. Not a good feeling. Believe me! (And, by the way - that is not me, nor my weight. Just had to clarify in case you thought I'd gained THAT much).
So, yesterday I went back to my GF ways. And I'm already feeling that energy. Good, good energy. Now to just shed these extra pounds!
On another note - I have found a wonderful, yummy, and not for your waistline GF treat: The Brownies at Subway!!! Another VERY GF friendly restaurant I highly recommend. Especially the location right by my work (for those of you who know where my office is). They are wonderful, and so very careful with our GF foods.
Hopefully the next time I post, I will have lost those 8 Glutenous pounds!
(image from allthatnourishes.com)
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
P-I-Z-Z-A, P-I-Z-Z-A, P-I-Z-Z-A, and Pizza is our favorite!
Ok, if you can't tell, that title was to the tune of the song "Bingo". Just a little shout-out to our new, favorite pizza joint in town.... (Drum roll, please!)
Palio's Pizza Cafe!!!!!
They have the most delicious gluten-free pizza crust I have ever tasted. It is so very close to the original, it is truly amazing.
Want to know more? Here's a link to their website: http://www.paliospizzacafe.com/community/gluten_free_pizza_palios_cafe
I hope you love it as much as I and kiddo do. YUM, YUM, YUM!!!
'Til next time,
Sunday, July 17, 2011
You Scream, I Scream, We all scream for...
ICE CREAM!!! Most of it is ok...but not at Marble Slab Creamery. We learned this just today. Bummer.
But...Carvel ice cream is MOSTLY ok. Just don't get any ice cream with crunchies in it. Whew. Thank goodness we can still go out for ice cream - just no waffle cones.
But...Carvel ice cream is MOSTLY ok. Just don't get any ice cream with crunchies in it. Whew. Thank goodness we can still go out for ice cream - just no waffle cones.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
"I Hate that I have to be Gluten Free!"
These were the words our kiddo spoke to me at a birthday party yesterday. And I had just told the Mom that he was doing well with the diet and knew what he could and couldn't have. He felt left out. And the poor Mom of the birthday boy...she apologized a billion times for not remembering our kiddo was GF. I told her a million times that it was ok - and that I wouldn't expect anyone to remember, and that is why I go to birthday parties prepared with alternatives (yesterday I took grapes and GF cookies). Kiddo still cried. He wanted desperately to have some of the yummy looking Sponge Bob birthday cake. He begged to just try the icing...and I broke down and let him. I thought while it was probably cross-contaminated, it was basically GF if it was normal icing. Wrong. He had stomach pains today. Big time bummer.
So - I'm asking...does anyone out there have advice on birthday parties? Is there something I could be doing differently to make it seem less obvious that he can't be like everyone else? I'm open to any/all suggestions!
Otherwise, the summer is going well. We spent a week going to 6 Flags, and I was very pleasantly surprised to learn that 6 Flags had a printed Gluten Free food suggestion page. I mean, if they're not going to let you bring in your own food, they better have something suitable, right?
Ok, back to work tomorrow so I'm off to bed. Hope you all have a great summer.
Til next time,
So - I'm asking...does anyone out there have advice on birthday parties? Is there something I could be doing differently to make it seem less obvious that he can't be like everyone else? I'm open to any/all suggestions!
Otherwise, the summer is going well. We spent a week going to 6 Flags, and I was very pleasantly surprised to learn that 6 Flags had a printed Gluten Free food suggestion page. I mean, if they're not going to let you bring in your own food, they better have something suitable, right?
Ok, back to work tomorrow so I'm off to bed. Hope you all have a great summer.
Til next time,
Friday, July 1, 2011
A little outing...
Got this from a membership to the FW museum email. I know I shouldn't broadcast to the world where I'll be, but I do hope some of you will join me:
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Gluten Freedom
Featuring Weldon Adams and Beth Knudson
The Ginger Man
3716 Camp Bowie
Get more details here: http://fortworthmuseum.org/public-knowledge
I also found Weldon and Beth's blogsite, which has been very helpful! They are also Casein/dairy free. Check out their blog on my list of things I follow: From Cows to Quinoa.
'Til I post again,
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Gluten Freedom
Featuring Weldon Adams and Beth Knudson
The Ginger Man
3716 Camp Bowie
Get more details here: http://fortworthmuseum.org/public-knowledge
I also found Weldon and Beth's blogsite, which has been very helpful! They are also Casein/dairy free. Check out their blog on my list of things I follow: From Cows to Quinoa.
'Til I post again,
Monday, May 30, 2011
And a couple other tidbits...
It has been a crazy busy spring. Two sports, and two end of the season parties. Here's what happened, and how we handled the GF situation:
Soccer party: Held at McDonalds. From what I've read from our local GIG (Gluten Intolerance Group) Mc Donald's french fries are OK. That is such a great thing...because I don't know how we would've given Mickey D's completely. So - I heated some GF chicken nuggets at home and took them to Mc Donald's. We ordered the fries and a happy meal toy, and TaDa!!! A GF Happy Meal.
T-Ball Party : This one was held at Sonic. And well, there is NOTHING GF at Sonic. This one was also in the middle of the week, and I rushed from work to get kiddo to the party on time, promising we would get Mc Donald's french fries on the way home. So that's what we did. Since the Sonic party was outside, we could have easily pulled off bringing our own food. Should we get to play with this team again, that's exactly what we'll do.
And I now take fruit snacks or Fruity Pebbles snack bars in my purse for unexpected snacks. We needed one today at the Family Fun Day for kiddo's last day of school (we had to make up a few days due to icy weather this winter), of course I didn't have one because I hadn't replaced the last one. Phooey. Oh well, live and learn.
Hamburger cookout at a friend's house - we brought our own buns and brought GF cupcakes for dessert. Worked out perfectly. We just asked them not to grill the buns with the first batch of burgers, and it was all ok.
Well, that's it for now. Wishing you all a lovely Memorial Day!!!
Soccer party: Held at McDonalds. From what I've read from our local GIG (Gluten Intolerance Group) Mc Donald's french fries are OK. That is such a great thing...because I don't know how we would've given Mickey D's completely. So - I heated some GF chicken nuggets at home and took them to Mc Donald's. We ordered the fries and a happy meal toy, and TaDa!!! A GF Happy Meal.
T-Ball Party : This one was held at Sonic. And well, there is NOTHING GF at Sonic. This one was also in the middle of the week, and I rushed from work to get kiddo to the party on time, promising we would get Mc Donald's french fries on the way home. So that's what we did. Since the Sonic party was outside, we could have easily pulled off bringing our own food. Should we get to play with this team again, that's exactly what we'll do.
And I now take fruit snacks or Fruity Pebbles snack bars in my purse for unexpected snacks. We needed one today at the Family Fun Day for kiddo's last day of school (we had to make up a few days due to icy weather this winter), of course I didn't have one because I hadn't replaced the last one. Phooey. Oh well, live and learn.
Hamburger cookout at a friend's house - we brought our own buns and brought GF cupcakes for dessert. Worked out perfectly. We just asked them not to grill the buns with the first batch of burgers, and it was all ok.
Well, that's it for now. Wishing you all a lovely Memorial Day!!!
I LOVE you, Betty Crocker!
So, when we last left, it was spring break. Now, the school year has ended. My kiddo was "promoted" from Kindergarten to 1st Grade this year. It was a BIG deal - a ceremony, reception afterward, the whole 9 yards. The reception was wonderful - and I'm sure the HUGE vanilla and chocolate cake was, too. At least this time I was prepared...I made GF cupcakes thanks to a GF mix by Betty Crocker! And guess what? They tasted like the original. I even got compliments from a non GF friend about how her kiddo loved them. So, I'll say it again - I LOVE YOU, BETTY CROCKER! Thanks for finding a way to make a mix for us slacker Moms who don't have time or energy to bake from scratch!
Here are a couple of pics from that day.
Hugs to all,
Here are a couple of pics from that day.
Hugs to all,
An official promotion handshake from School Administration |
The official certificate! This pic is with his Kindergarten Teacher |
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Some stuff from the past month or so
Ok, I gave up the social networking site I subscribe to for Lent. If you know me there, watch out - I've been collecting "would-be posts" since Ash Wednesday. It will be quite the long note when I get back.
Here are a few pictures of stuff we've done over spring break - and for the start of the spring athletic season. We are awfully proud of our kiddo. :)
On the GF note: The other parents on kiddo's soccer team have been really receptive to finding gluten-free snacks to share. I've been most impressed! A few parents on the T-Ball team have asked (via email) about what kind of snacks kiddo can have, but some have been relieved to learn that I bring GF snacks anyway - in case the team snack isn't GF. Hey - I don't blame them one bit. Going and shopping GF is NOT easy.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
At Fossil Rim Wildlife Center
Touching dinosaur tracks at Dinosaur Valley State Park
Walking where the dinosaurs once walked
Ready to head for home
The most handsome Angel player there is!
2nd black-eye in his life - this one from running into a player from the other team - also after the soccer ball. He's awfully proud of this one.
Here are a few pictures of stuff we've done over spring break - and for the start of the spring athletic season. We are awfully proud of our kiddo. :)
On the GF note: The other parents on kiddo's soccer team have been really receptive to finding gluten-free snacks to share. I've been most impressed! A few parents on the T-Ball team have asked (via email) about what kind of snacks kiddo can have, but some have been relieved to learn that I bring GF snacks anyway - in case the team snack isn't GF. Hey - I don't blame them one bit. Going and shopping GF is NOT easy.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
At Fossil Rim Wildlife Center
Touching dinosaur tracks at Dinosaur Valley State Park
Walking where the dinosaurs once walked
Ready to head for home
The most handsome Angel player there is!
2nd black-eye in his life - this one from running into a player from the other team - also after the soccer ball. He's awfully proud of this one.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
A book worth reading
Ok, so this blog isn't exactly all about being gluten free. In fact, I suspect, it will increasingly become less about that, and more about what is going on in our lives.
This past weekend, I read the most wonderful book - Entitled, Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper. For you speechies, and special ed folks, this is MUST read. It is fiction, but could very easily be a true story.
A very brief synopsis: Melody is an 11 year old girl with cerebral palsy that has an amazing mind. She understands just about everything in her world, and has a photographic memory. But...she can't speak. The book moves through Melody's story as she finds her voice, and learns to navigate the world of the "typical kids".
Read it and see for yourself. :)
Then let me know what YOU think.
You can find this on Amazon.com. Try this link to order the book.
Hope this post finds you all doing well.
Love and hugs,
This past weekend, I read the most wonderful book - Entitled, Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper. For you speechies, and special ed folks, this is MUST read. It is fiction, but could very easily be a true story.
A very brief synopsis: Melody is an 11 year old girl with cerebral palsy that has an amazing mind. She understands just about everything in her world, and has a photographic memory. But...she can't speak. The book moves through Melody's story as she finds her voice, and learns to navigate the world of the "typical kids".
Read it and see for yourself. :)
Then let me know what YOU think.
You can find this on Amazon.com. Try this link to order the book.
Hope this post finds you all doing well.
Love and hugs,
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
March of Dimes
I've been walking for the March of Dimes with my team from work for the past 5 years, I think. Last year I raised some money, but couldn't join my team for the walk. I missed it. So, I'm back. In years past, my friends and family have been awesome about supporting me in this endeavor. Most of you know that I have had 2 losses of premature babies - both had chromosomal problems and just weren't made to survive outside of the womb. But - if they had, I have no doubt that the March of Dimes and their work would have benefitted my girls in a major way. So, in their memory, I walk. And I walk for all the other babies that have blessed my life - as patients, friends, godchildren, or as family. I can't even begin to count the number of babies and children that I have had the honor to work with that were once premies. It is so very amazing to see them grow and thrive. Seriously, such an honor to be a part of their lives - if even for a short time.
So please consider supporting this wonderful cause and in a round-about-way, helping me continue to help premies with their speech, language, and feeding.
I truly LOVE what I do.
Here's the site to donate:
Love and hugs,
So please consider supporting this wonderful cause and in a round-about-way, helping me continue to help premies with their speech, language, and feeding.
I truly LOVE what I do.
Here's the site to donate:
Love and hugs,
Thursday, February 24, 2011
A little shout-out
This morning I got to take the kiddo to his class. A Mom of one of his classmates told me about how careful her daughter told her to be when selecting Valentine candy for our kiddo. This parent has a husband who is in the medical field, and even did some research on his own to make sure what they sent to school would be ok for our special guy. I am just amazed at the thoughtfulness we've received from classmates, teammates, and daycare buddies. I would be remiss not to mention the awesome teachers at school and daycare that watch out for him, too. We are so very blessed. Thank you!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Some GF Favorites
I participated in a survey for one company that offers GF products. I provided them with my blogsite, even though there really isn't much here. But, I thought I'd fill you in on some of the products that I have found to be not only GF, but delicious.
I need to insert another explanation here - I DON'T cook. At least not a lot. I can, and have, and will, but when it comes down to it, I prefer not to. I have very limited time at home and with my family, and I prefer to play Legos to standing in the kitchen. Yes, I pay triple what I used to for groceries, but again - for the time I have away from the stove it is completely worth it.
***This list is just for informational purposes only. It is in no way complete, and represents opinions expressed solely by me***

Image courtesy of momsworkingonline.com
Here goes:
Udi's - all the way. It tastes just like regular bread. The consistency is the same, and it is delicious. Yes, it is one of the breads that is very expensive, but believe me, to those of us suffering from Gluten Intolerance, worth every penny.
Pretzels and snack items:
Pirate's Booty
Mac and Cheese
Glutino's frozen mac and cheese
Annie's from the box/stove mix
Anything from Pamela!
Kinnikinnick - vanilla glazed are our fav
Muffins and bagels
Udi's -
Chex Honey Nut
Cinnamon Rice Chex
Fruity Pebbles
Chocolate Pebbles
Pasta -
I have actually figured out that I prefer Rice pasta to regular pasta. I've tried Quonia several times and it works well, too. But for taste, rice is my choice.
Please, please, please feel free to help me add to this list. I still feel really new to this GF life, and am learning as I go.
I did fry some chicken the other day - and I used Millet and Tapioca flours. I couldn't taste any difference and neither could my family.
Hope you all are having a great weekend.
I need to insert another explanation here - I DON'T cook. At least not a lot. I can, and have, and will, but when it comes down to it, I prefer not to. I have very limited time at home and with my family, and I prefer to play Legos to standing in the kitchen. Yes, I pay triple what I used to for groceries, but again - for the time I have away from the stove it is completely worth it.
***This list is just for informational purposes only. It is in no way complete, and represents opinions expressed solely by me***
Image courtesy of momsworkingonline.com
Here goes:
Udi's - all the way. It tastes just like regular bread. The consistency is the same, and it is delicious. Yes, it is one of the breads that is very expensive, but believe me, to those of us suffering from Gluten Intolerance, worth every penny.
Pretzels and snack items:
Pirate's Booty
Mac and Cheese
Glutino's frozen mac and cheese
Annie's from the box/stove mix
Anything from Pamela!
Kinnikinnick - vanilla glazed are our fav
Muffins and bagels
Udi's -
Chex Honey Nut
Cinnamon Rice Chex
Fruity Pebbles
Chocolate Pebbles
Pasta -
I have actually figured out that I prefer Rice pasta to regular pasta. I've tried Quonia several times and it works well, too. But for taste, rice is my choice.
Please, please, please feel free to help me add to this list. I still feel really new to this GF life, and am learning as I go.
I did fry some chicken the other day - and I used Millet and Tapioca flours. I couldn't taste any difference and neither could my family.
Hope you all are having a great weekend.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Added benefit of the GF lifestyle...
I've lost 8 pounds since October. Yep, 8. No one can tell but me (I'm not having to keep buttoning/unbuttoning my pants!), but that's ok. I can't say it's all been the GF lifestyle, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me. You see, I'm just NOT hungry all the time like I used to be. I used to HAVE TO have a snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon, but now I don't. I used to HAVE TO finish everything on my plate, but now I don't. It must be because my body is actually absorbing and using the nutrients in the food for the first time ever! I don't need to eat as much because my body is actually getting what it needs! Fancy that! Unintentional weight-loss - who knew?!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Family Portraits
I know some of you don't keep up with us on the social networking site, so here are some of the photos taken of both sides of our kiddo's family - Mine and my husband's. The photos in Plano, Texas were the work of Cristen Ransom Photography - the photos from Houston, Texas were the work of J. Hintze Photography. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
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